Ambientes Utilizados:
Ubuntu 22.04 Cloud Oracle disponível aqui
Ubuntu 22.04 Pessoal disponível aqui
# Efetua um backup de servidores Linux remotos utilizando o rsync.
# 21/Nov/2020 - [email protected] - Implementação Inicial
# 04/Mar/2022 - melhorado com sugesões do ChatGPT
# 18/Mai/2023 - cópia para segundo e terceiro HD
# Verifica se o script já está rodando e sai se estiver
pidof -x -o %PPID "$0" > /dev/null && echo "Script $0 ainda em execução. Saindo agora..." && exit
# Define a função para abortar o script em caso de cancelamento pelo usuário
_abort() {
echo "!!! Rotina ${SCRIPTNAME} CANCELADA pelo usuário." >&2
exit 1
trap _abort 1 2 3 15
# Definição de variáveis locais
BASENAME="$(basename "$0" .sh)"
SCRIPTNAME="$(basename "$0")"
DIRNAME="$(dirname "$0")"
DDS="$(date +%a)"
HOSTNAME="$(hostname -f)"
IP="$(hostname --all-ip-addresses | awk '{ print $1 }')"
# Diretório onde os backups serão armazenados
# Os servidores remotos
SERVERS=("" "" "" "" "")
# Mostra data/hora de início
echo "Inicio da Execução: $(date)"
# Mostra as variáveis globais setadas
cat <<-EOF
========== Variáveis GLOBAIS setadas =======================================
DIRNAME.........: [${DIRNAME}]
IP..............: [${IP}]
FILE_LOG........: [${FILE_LOG}]
# Faz backup de cada servidor remoto
for SERVER in "${SERVERS[@]}"; do
echo ""
echo "#####[ ${SERVER} ]#####"
echo "===== INICIO BACKUP - $(date)"
rsync -a --stats --delete --inplace --relative --exclude 'overlay2/*' root@${SERVER}:{/root/,/home/,/etc/,/var/,/opt/} "${BACKUPDIR}/${SERVER}/"
echo "===== FIM BACKUP - $(date)"
#tree -d -L 1 "${BACKUPDIR}/${SERVER}/"
#echo "============================================================================"
du -csh "${BACKUPDIR}/${SERVER}"/*
echo "============================================================================"
# Mostra o tamanho do backup
echo ""
echo "===== Diretório do Backup =================================================="
tree -d -L 2 "${BACKUPDIR}"
#du -sh "${BACKUPDIR}"/*
echo "============================================================================"
# Se tiver um segundo HD fazer a cópia para ele
mountpoint -q /HD2
if [ $_RET -eq 0 ]; then
# Copiar configurações locais para segundo HD
echo ""
echo "#####[ COPIA PARA SEGUNDO HD - /HD2/ ]#####"
echo "===== INICIO DA COPIA - $(date)"
rsync -a --stats --delete --inplace --relative {/root/,/home/,/etc/,/var/,/opt/,/Nuvem/} /HD2/
echo "===== FIM DA COPIA - $(date)"
echo "============================================================================"
# Se tiver um terceiro HD fazer a cópia para ele
mountpoint -q /HD3
if [ $_RET -eq 0 ]; then
echo ""
echo "#####[ COPIA PARA TERCEIRO HD - /HD2 -> /HD3 ]#####"
echo "===== INICIO DA COPIA - $(date)"
rsync -a --stats --delete --inplace /HD2/ /HD3/
echo "===== FIM DA COPIA - $(date)"
echo "============================================================================"
# Mostra o espaço em disco disponível
echo ""
echo "===== Espaço no Disco Local ================================================"
duf --only local
echo "============================================================================"
# Mostra data/hora de fim
echo "Fim da Execução: $(date)"
} 2>&1 | tee "${FILE_LOG}"
chmod +x /root/
Alterar a variávelBACKUPDIR
para o seu próprio local onde ficarão os backups
Alterar a variávelSERVERS
para os IPs ou URLs dos seus servidores na nuvem
Fazer um login prévio para cada um de seusSERVERS
visando garantir conexão prévia entre seu HOSTEx:
ssh [email protected]
(lembre-se de ter neste HOST sua chave pública encaminhada comssh-copy-id [email protected]
# Efetuar backup dos servidores ubuntu na nuvem oracle
0 5 * * * /root/ >/dev/null 2>&1
cat /tmp/
Inicio da Execução: qui 07 set 2023 13:50:24 -04
========== Variáveis GLOBAIS setadas =======================================
BASENAME........: [backup-nuvem-oracle]
SCRIPTNAME......: []
DIRNAME.........: [/root]
HOSTNAME........: []
IP..............: []
DATAHORA........: [20230907-135024]
FILE_LOG........: [/tmp/backup-nuvem-oracle.log]
BACKUPDIR.......: [/Nuvem]
#####[ ]#####
===== INICIO BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:50:24 -04
Number of files: 1.267.837 (reg: 1.028.576, dir: 174.624, link: 64.385, special: 252)
Number of created files: 736 (reg: 726, dir: 10)
Number of deleted files: 99.132 (reg: 82.440, dir: 15.384, link: 1.308)
Number of regular files transferred: 1.955
Total file size: 29.778.465.316 bytes
Total transferred file size: 1.330.361.546 bytes
Literal data: 68.522.737 bytes
Matched data: 1.261.838.989 bytes
File list size: 1.181.934
File list generation time: 0,002 seconds
File list transfer time: 0,000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 1.437.117
Total bytes received: 100.416.897
sent 1.437.117 bytes received 100.416.897 bytes 1.013.472,78 bytes/sec
total size is 29.778.465.316 speedup is 292,36
===== FIM BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:52:04 -04
5,8M /Nuvem/
36K /Nuvem/
0 /Nuvem/
4,9G /Nuvem/
26G /Nuvem/
31G total
#####[ ]#####
===== INICIO BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:52:17 -04
Number of files: 17.252 (reg: 13.241, dir: 1.610, link: 2.377, special: 24)
Number of created files: 0
Number of deleted files: 0
Number of regular files transferred: 27
Total file size: 1.835.077.960 bytes
Total transferred file size: 65.677.085 bytes
Literal data: 10.732.473 bytes
Matched data: 54.944.612 bytes
File list size: 190.165
File list generation time: 0,001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0,000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 112.880
Total bytes received: 11.328.332
sent 112.880 bytes received 11.328.332 bytes 3.268.917,71 bytes/sec
total size is 1.835.077.960 speedup is 160,39
===== FIM BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:52:20 -04
6,5M /Nuvem/
36K /Nuvem/
0 /Nuvem/
3,9M /Nuvem/
1,8G /Nuvem/
1,8G total
#####[ ]#####
===== INICIO BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:52:20 -04
Number of files: 142.972 (reg: 111.296, dir: 20.937, link: 10.663, special: 76)
Number of created files: 42 (reg: 40, dir: 2)
Number of deleted files: 32 (reg: 32)
Number of regular files transferred: 1.231
Total file size: 14.151.508.465 bytes
Total transferred file size: bytes
Literal data: 748.795.374 bytes
Matched data: 2.321.287.324 bytes
File list size: 355.706
File list generation time: 0,001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0,000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 1.542.922
Total bytes received: 753.291.134
sent 1.542.922 bytes received 753.291.134 bytes 6.161.910,66 bytes/sec
total size is 14.151.508.465 speedup is 18,75
===== FIM BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:54:22 -04
7,0M /Nuvem/
36K /Nuvem/
0 /Nuvem/
2,7G /Nuvem/
11G /Nuvem/
14G total
#####[ ]#####
===== INICIO BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:54:23 -04
Number of files: 116.418 (reg: 88.779, dir: 16.175, link: 11.413, special: 51)
Number of created files: 8 (reg: 8)
Number of deleted files: 2 (dir: 2)
Number of regular files transferred: 708
Total file size: 7.525.712.527 bytes
Total transferred file size: 61.847.817 bytes
Literal data: 10.314.717 bytes
Matched data: 51.533.100 bytes
File list size: 224.699
File list generation time: 0,001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0,000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 181.087
Total bytes received: 13.389.301
sent 181.087 bytes received 13.389.301 bytes 1.428.461,89 bytes/sec
total size is 7.525.712.527 speedup is 554,57
===== FIM BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:54:32 -04
6,2M /Nuvem/
36K /Nuvem/
0 /Nuvem/
3,2M /Nuvem/
7,3G /Nuvem/
7,3G total
#####[ ]#####
===== INICIO BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:54:32 -04
Number of files: 3.414 (reg: 2.091, dir: 913, link: 403, special: 7)
Number of created files: 0
Number of deleted files: 0
Number of regular files transferred: 14
Total file size: 207.977.611 bytes
Total transferred file size: 35.669.665 bytes
Literal data: 6.214.377 bytes
Matched data: 29.455.288 bytes
File list size: 36.756
File list generation time: 0,001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0,000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 91.949
Total bytes received: 6.363.938
sent 91.949 bytes received 6.363.938 bytes 993.213,38 bytes/sec
total size is 207.977.611 speedup is 32,22
===== FIM BACKUP - qui 07 set 2023 13:54:39 -04
21M /Nuvem/
20K /Nuvem/
120K /Nuvem/
44K /Nuvem/
184M /Nuvem/
205M total
===== Diretório do Backup ==================================================
│ ├── etc
│ ├── home
│ ├── opt
│ ├── root
│ └── var
│ ├── etc
│ ├── home
│ ├── opt
│ ├── root
│ └── var
│ ├── etc
│ ├── home
│ ├── root
│ └── var
│ ├── etc
│ ├── home
│ ├── opt
│ ├── root
│ └── var
│ ├── etc
│ ├── home
│ ├── opt
│ ├── root
│ └── var
│ ├── etc
│ ├── home
│ ├── opt
│ ├── root
│ └── var
├── etc
├── home
├── root
└── var
41 directories
#####[ COPIA PARA SEGUNDO HD - /HD2/ ]#####
===== INICIO DA COPIA - qui 07 set 2023 13:54:39 -04
Number of files: 557.735 (reg: 472.196, dir: 73.314, link: 11.004, dev: 1.032, special: 189)
Number of created files: 137.196 (reg: 109.895, dir: 19.197, link: 6.921, dev: 1.017, special: 166)
Number of deleted files: 114.628 (reg: 93.563, dir: 16.526, link: 4.395, special: 144)
Number of regular files transferred: 110.197
Total file size: 282.651.254.097 bytes
Total transferred file size: 13.875.250.348 bytes
Literal data: 13.875.250.348 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 4.194.015
File list generation time: 0,001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0,000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 13.896.466.007
Total bytes received: 20.633.858
sent 13.896.466.007 bytes received 20.633.858 bytes 27.585.926,39 bytes/sec
total size is 282.651.254.097 speedup is 20,31
===== FIM DA COPIA - qui 07 set 2023 14:03:03 -04
===== Espaço no Disco Local ================================================
│ 2 local devices │
│ / │ 886.4G │ 334.5G │ 551.9G │ 37.7% │ xfs │ /dev/sda3 │
│ /HD2 │ 931.1G │ 708.5G │ 222.6G │ 76.1% │ xfs │ /dev/sdb1 │
Fim da Execução: qui 07 set 2023 14:03:03 -04